Importance of sleep
Sleep is a fundamental human need. It is important for the prevention of health problems as well as for our physical and psychological health. Sleep helps in the following ways:
• Making us feel fresh in the morning
• Conserves our energy
• Regulates essential brain and metabolic activities
• Consolidates our memories and learning
• Sorts and stores experiences from the day
• Promotes management of our emotions and stress
• Preserves the immune system
• Regulates all the functions of our body, such as the brain, heart, lungs, metabolism, and the endocrine system
• Allows our brain to remove the metabolic waste it produces during the day
• In children and adolescents, allows the growth hormone to be secreted
A sleep deficit increases each time a night is shortened, and you sleep less than your body needs. Sleep deprivation affects the following:
• Your mood and can make you feel irritable and sleepy
• It impacts your brain
• Can increase pain perception
• Can hinder memory consolidation mechanisms and make you inattentive
• It can exacerbate existing physical and mental health problems
Sleep deprivation may also:
• Create a negative impact on your health with disruptions to glucose regulation, making you crave carbohydrates. Late meals or snacks can then disturb your sleep quality
• Affect your ability to maintain a healthy diet or practice regular physical activity
Irregular sleep patterns suggest your body can be out of sync with itself, which will then negatively impact your sleep quality. This may also lead to symptoms of insomnia, such as difficulty initiating sleep, restless sleep, or inability to sleep for long periods.
If you would like to chat to someone for some extra tips and support, feel free to contact us on 8838-8687 or book an appointment online and come in to see one of our friendly Psychologists.