Practicing Gratitude

Practicing gratitude involves appreciating the good things in your life, no matter how big or small. Making the practice of gratitude a regular part of your day can build happiness, self-esteem, and resilience.


Here are some ways that you can practice gratitude in your daily life.

1.    Gratitude journaling- Find some time in each day to write down some good things about your day. This isn’t limited to major events. You might be grateful for simple things, such as a good cup of coffee, talking to a friend, or overcoming an obstacle.

2.    Say thank you- Be aware throughout the day for reasons to say, “thank you.” Make a conscious effort to notice when people do good things, whether for you or others and tell that person you recognise their good deed and give them a sincere “thank you.”

3.    Write a gratitude letter- Think about someone who you appreciate. This might be someone who has had a significant impact on your life or someone you would simply like to thank. Write a letter to this person and describe why you appreciate them. You can decide whether you share this letter or not.

4.    Mindfulness- Practicing mindfulness allows you to acknowledge the blessings in your everyday life and sit in the present moment. Make it a priority to practice mindfulness regularly. You might like to try a mindfulness walk and make a special effort to appreciate your surroundings, focussing on each of your senses. Start by spending a minute just looking around at your surroundings, a minute just listening and so on. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations you would usually miss in order to develop gratitude for these small things.


If you find you would like some extra support or information, please feel free to contact us on 8838-8687 or book an appointment online and come in to see one of our friendly Psychologists.


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